Photo by Aurora Zandara

I write and produce my own music but I also work as a sound designer for movies and documentaries. I study Multimedia Production at the University of Cagliari, through which I edited the trailer for the last movie by the director Enrico Pau, “L’ombra del fuoco”. In the same period, I also worked on the music and the sound design for the promotional video by ERSU, the institution who provides scholarships and accommodations for the students in Sardinia. After studying guitar for twelve years, I started to take piano lessons and to develop my own language in a palette made of synthesizers, guitar layers and electronics. In December 2022 I played with the Italian composer Stefano Guzzetti for the 20th Anniversary of “Marina Cafè Noir: Festival di Letterature Applicate” – the first literary festival in Sardinia – for a reading based on the works of Igort and Francesca Mannocchi. I also worked with Stefano Guzzetti on the soundtracks for the institutional reel by the director Antonio Gianfagna and for the forthcoming movie by the director Marco Antonio Pani, “Némos andando per mare”.
My debut EP “Faith” will be released in July 2024 on Home Normal.